Thursday, 26 March 2015

A fond farewell

A great big thank you to all my friends and supporters who have made poetry and pictures at the museum such a great project for me. Thank you for this lovely gift and card combined with a stunning print by William Blake.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. It is not over, though. You can still take part here:

It is just that I shall not be running it any more and it is changing shape.

Now it is called ekphrasispoetry

The next readings are in April. Check the Ashmolean What's On.

I would like to share the work of Diana Moore on the weblog. She has put together an amazing collection of snippets of poems and their pictures taken from different times, places and performances from a whole range of writers including herself. The collage is all stuck onto the different faces of a large cardboard box, both inside and out, so you can visit another facet of the history of the project with every change of angle. There is even a floor plan on the floor of the box. Click on the pictures to take a closer look.

And so it comes to an end. It would be great to receive comments on the weblog here.

I shall be starting a new weblog, probably called "In the footsteps of Blake."

Maybe one day I will reopen this blog. But for now it is adios, so long and thanks for all the poem fish.


  1. Thank you, Nick, for all of your hard work on the poetry program at the museum, and thank you also for linking to Ekphrasis Poetry on your blog. I'm so glad you liked the Blake print and so happy to see all of the photos of Diana's wonderful "Ashmolean" box! Best of luck with your new ventures.

    1. I shall look forward to being in the audience of the project as it evolves with you. Cheers. Nick
