Wednesday, 11 July 2012

A very warm welcome to Poetry and Pictures at the Museum

For the moment the museum in question is the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

In time there may be others, but for now this weblog will concern itself with projects based on objects and exhibitions taking place in the Ashmolean.

It is a great privilege to be able to be allowed to organize courses in poetry and pictures at the museum, starting in October 2012.

There will also be a series of poetry readings alongside the objects in the museum which have inspired them.

The first set of readings are set up to connect with the major exhibition celebrating the works of Edward Lear, which begins at the end of September, 2012. Some poems will be read inside the exhibition itself, while others will be in other galleries.

Please come back regularly here to check details of poems, people, images and events that are happening in or around the museum.

I am looking for poets, artists, writers, critics and students of life to join in with me.

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